New Program = Increased Efficiency + Enhanced Editor Connections

50 Editor Requests w/ No Pitches

Managing a client's Affiliate PR program alone as a projector can be a lot of "doing."

Presshook is an AI-generated program that connects media with brands and allows brands' products to be "seen" and editors to "invite" product requests.

Have a projector on your team? Set their client up on Presshook for $99/month per brand.

I received 50 requests in my first month.

Prioritize Small Moments of Joy

Ignore Industry "Shoulds"

Former KMO Generator contractor felt like playing around with a client's recruitment tool in ShareASale one-day and led with pure "joy" versus a "I should do this" energy of having another team member do it for her. 

Within 24 hours, DotDash Meredith joined in-network for that client's affiliate program.

The Surge is Only As Good As the Rest - Think Adele 

Manifestor Tiktok Success After Rest

Former KMO Manifestor contractor and TikTok content creator was feeling creatively blocked. She had not gone more than three days without creating a video in almost 3 years. 

Even through the discomfort of doing something different and not posting, she trusted the rest process and allowed herself to "wait" until she felt inspired to create.

When that time came, she created a video, posted and was detached from the results. Later to find it was the best performing video she's had in a long time because it wasn't forced energy. 

Biggest Client Win of the Year While the Generator was Across the Globe OOO 

Everyone Wins When a Generator Prioritizes Joy Overs "Shoulds"

Before leaving on a two week dream vacation to Japan, previous KMO generator contractor was worried about "not working" as much for her clients.

Within the first three days of being on vacation, a pending article published that drove $8K+  in revenue, 8,000+ clicks 200+ sales in less than 7 days.

The highest generating article for the client to-date.

Quality vs Quantity Results Creates Efficient Energetic Efforts for Projectors

One Strategic Pitch = Feature Article 

For Mother's Day Kaila was tasked to pitched a brand with minimal awareness. With limited energy as a Projector,  Kaila decided to go the Quality versus Quantity route. 

Instead of pitching a wide net and exhausting my energy with followups hoping to get low revenue roundups, Kaila found a trending keyword "subscription box for mom" and pitched an exclusive to my key editor relationship and within 48 hours was published at the top of an SEO-optimized round-up article.